

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
scans from my sketchbook for the first project we've had at Edinburgh College of Art - 'Menagerie'.


Joyce said...

Really cool,i love the puggy man with the cap!



SabinePsynopsis said...

Great pictures, especially the Freak Show.

Anonymous said...

ahh you are so cool i cannot take it

heleen said...

I enjoy the aesthetics of your work so very much, it inspires me endlessly.

. said...

these are freaaaking amazing, i wish i had your talent

mel said...

wow your blog is amazing,
love the artwork, photos and culture! its all awesome:)

r.▵. m○n○-ϟy said...

I think I can safely say I've enjoyed tripping over your blog more than any other for a while now - Good stuff *nods*

dad said...

amazing xxxxxxx

Nicole Trundle said...

Lovely work my dear!
Your a great inspiration.